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Eastern Bays Radio Network
Eastern Bays Radio Network

Tēnā koutou

Radio test this Saturday 9:30am 28 October 2023.


The Resilience Games, Survival Eastbourne - Making fun of disaster - March 2024

Firstly - linked below is a first draft of the proposed "expo" for next year - I think it explains itself, but I would be really interested in your thoughts.

Positive feedback so far from WREMO and FENZ. I need to fix a date before we go any further. Note that the it's a working title only, need to agree on this before going public.

Download draft Resilience Games proposal 


New radio operator

We will be looking for another radio operator for southern Eastbourne ("Tennis") if you know anyone. We are also still looking for an operator in York Bay (I have a possible candidate, but ideally each radio should have 2 people with access and comfortable with operating the set).


End of year catchup

 This has been suggested, would a coffee in Hive or Tartines suit? Or we could meet above the library in our flash new meeting room? Day time or evening?


FYI - I also manage the website and the electronic notice board in the library - if you have information you'd like to see on either of these please let me know. I have got pages for each bay which have no content - the obvious addition would be information about the bay's emergency resources, plan and contacts etc. so please send anything through.


Note: There are a few Eastbourne email newsletters you can subscribe to here, including one for civil defence notifications.


Ngā mihi



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