Radio test reminder, possible repeater issues
Eastern Bays Radio Network
Eastern Bays Radio Network

Tēnā koutou

Radio test this Saturday 9:30am 25 May 2024.

I have asked the WREMO/HCC Emergency group about possible  radio repeater issues - no reply yet. If you can't make the test on Saturday, or you have any issues, please let me know.

FYI - I also manage the website and the electronic notice board in the library - if you have information you'd like to see on either of these please let me know. I have got pages for each bay which have no content - the obvious addition would be information about the bay's emergency resources, plan and contacts etc. so please send anything through.


Note: There are a few Eastbourne email newsletters you can subscribe to here, including one for civil defence notifications.


Ngā mihi



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