Soft launch and testing of information and registration

Kia ora, hope you all had a good break.

You are receiving this as you are part of either our Emergency Radio Network, or subscribed to the Civil Defence email list on website (you can change your options / unsubscribe using the links at the end of this email).
I'm sending this through to ask you to test and give me feedback on these pages and forms before going "live" (it is visible on the website now but not promoted). I'm looking for functional testing, wording, layout etc. I will remove any registrations that are obviously tests. I'm open to feedback on every aspect - the graphic I've used is the end result of a lot of phaffing around and is not necessarily the "brand" we will use going forward (it's such a broad topic I couldn't think of / find a graphic that was suitable), I'm very open to suggestions there too. I've basically stayed with the title as I think it covers the bases quite well, but happy to modify if it's deemed appropriate.
Note the event is based on the recent Lions Community Market at the same venue - hence the wording in some cases.
My intention once you have tested is to send it through to all the various organisations, groups, clubs and businesses that I think may be interested / appropriate to get them locked in and engaged.
I will also begin promoting to the community - my goal is to trigger both individual and community activity in the lead up as much as possible with frequent messaging and ideally actions/activities through all possible channels. Any information/ resources you can offer to help promote attendance would be great.
I'm also keen to see each community/ residents assns. register with a stall so they can engage with any local people who may attend, and groups, clubs etc.  can use it as an opportunity to market themselves both as community resources and also sign up new members.
If you are able to network with other organisations please let me know so I don't double up, and if you have suggestions on groups/people I can contact please let me know, or do so yourselves.
The main page for the event is here -
The exhibitors page is here - , with an additional page showing site layout here -
There is also a general Community Resilience page here - - this will be updated with useful information and ideas (not tied to the expo) as things progress. 
Feel free to check all the links etc.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/ concerns/ suggestions. I've left at least one spelling error I'm sure (can't re-find it).
Ngā mihi nui
Bruce Spedding