Registration prize draw and follow up information
Expo sign at entrance to school

Thank you for coming along to the Expo on Sunday and registering. A huge thanks too to the effort made by all the exhibitors, we hope it was worthwhile for you all. This was a first for us, so we will be following up very soon to get your feedback on how we can improve on the event in future (yes, we would like to do it again). We will also be sending out a list of all the exhibitors and links to find out more about their work. For all of us, this is a journey. Please stay in touch with Eastbourne - check out the links at the bottom of this email.

The prizes

 All those who registered on the day or on-line are in the draw. We will contact the winners soon to arrange delivery, you may be given a choice of prize (depending on location). The prizes have been generously donated by Bunker Box, AA Shop, The Survival Co. and NZSurvivor, plus some pool/gym passes from HCC.

NZ Survivor

Don't forget the 20% discount code 20%OffPacks for NZSurvivor.


The Survival Co.



AA Shop


Bunker Box

You can find out more about Eastbourne and keep up with news on our website , on our Digital Noticeboard at the library (inside and outside) in the village. You can subscribe to one of our (not too) regular email lists or by using the "Manage your subscription" link below.

If you would like to contact us now you can do so here.

You can forward this to someone else who may be interested, or use View online link below to see the online version and send that link as well. You can also manage your subscription using the link below - including register for the Expo (just add yourself to that email group)