Radio test Saturday 29th April 9:30am
The next radio test is Saturday 29th at 9:30am.
This email is being sent to a private email group using the website - if you need to change any details you can do so using the links at the bottom (or contact me or 02102974741)

I'm trialing the email facility on the website, you may already be subscribed on one of the newsletters and familiar with this format - if you have any problems with this let me know (it's a private list). I hope to set up a subscribable bays-wide email system to provide another way to alert residents when needed.

There's been a lot happening, but specifically the slip at Point Howard which showed the importance of communications in dealing with emergencies - congratulations to the Point Howard Residents Association (particularly Allison Gandy and Red Robinson) for your critical role in this.

We (Eastbourne Community Board) want to use this as an opportunity to learn and develop improved resilience throughout the bays, so look forward to various initiatives in the near future. We'll start by finding out what was learned in the Point Howard slip response - the link below is a review which looks at the Wellington Water and HCC interactions leading up to the slip, and what was learnt. 

What we also need is examination of subsequent responses, actions and outcomes which should provide guidance on how we can prepare and respond better for future situations.

Final Hutt City Council and Wellington Water - Joint review of the slip at Point Howard 2.8MBpdf

As always, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions contact me - and if you are not already signed up for the community newsletter give it a go (link below).

Thanks for your contributions and support, I'll keep you informed on progress and information related to our community resilience.


Community contacts, events and information are also available is also available on our website , in the Eastbourne Herald (printed copies at the library, or online), on the ECB digital noticeboard (also in the library) and our Facebook page.

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