Eastbourne Website updates
You may be aware that the website https://eastbourne.nz has a number of alerts on the home page (just check the right hand side of the home page).
These are generated and periodically updated (every few minutes to every few days depending on the nature of the data) - some calculated, some via email subscriptions, some by "scraping" web pages, some by using APIs (Application Programming Interface - the correct way to make this data available for this type of use - essentially a computer-to-computer protocol).
Trying to decode web pages or emails using code can be unreliable, especially if the information is hand written and subject to human foibles such as grammar and spelling, but I do my best. While I work on organisations to get access to more accessible and reliable data I have no other option, so if you do notice any errors or omissions, on screen or compared to what you know is correct through other channels, I'd appreciate a message as obviously incomplete or incorrect information is not great.
Also, if you know of any information that could be useful to the community please let me know - I'm keen to improve/add data - and the possibility of a community app with alerting is also an option. |