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ANZAC Day 2022
April 25, 2022
Anzac Day 2022
The Eastbourne Memorial RSA reluctantly noted in last month’s Eastbourne Herald that it has had to cancel this year’s Street March and Citizens Commemorative Service.
Earlier in March the RNZRSA informed all RSAs that no NZDF resources would be available for Anzac Day 2022. Also the Hutt City Council advised it was likely that there would not be a public service on Anzac Day, instead it would be replaced by a private service in the St James Church for approximately 75 guests and that this service would be ‘live streamed’ to the public, – and they would advise that there would be no dawn parade or service to attend.
Consequently the EMRSA withdrew all it’s applications for road closures and the street parade, and cancelled the other facilities and personnel required for our ‘normal’ Anzac Day Service.
Even though things have changed we have not been able to reinstate all the elements required for our usual Community Service.
The Eastbourne Memorial RSA will ensure that the Memorial Gates and the Field of Remembrance will be well presented – the New Zealand Flag will be flown and a Floral Tribute laid – and Poppies will adorn the Field of Remembrance.
Members of the Eastbourne community are encouraged to visit these special places during the day and are welcome to lay a tribute. If visiting these or other local Memorials please observe all Covid safety requirements.
The EMRSA will miss not being able to share this very special day with the Eastbourne Community – but hopes that you will find time to remember and commemorate the service and sacrifice of veterans and their families – especially those that made the ‘ultimate sacrifice’ – WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.
Colin Hemingway-Rushton, President, EMRSA, 12th April 2022
You may wish to attend one of the following events
- Pukeahu National Memorial 6am Dawn Service 11am Commemorative Service (both these services will be broadcast on TVNZ One & RNZ National).
- Ataturk Memorial Tarakena Bay 2.30 Wreath Laying
- HCC Cenotaph 6am Dawn Service