Sea breaking over road with logo

We need to act now to both mitigate the causes of accelerating climate change as well as prepare for the impact on our community.

The Resilience Expo is the current network focus. A broad opportunity to raise awareness on climate issues in the community. Check it out, and if you think you can help, either personally or with contacts, offers, suggestions then get in touch. (click anywhere to close this popup)

Eastern Bays Community Resilience Expo - Muritai School, 24 March, 10am to 3pm.

Eastern Bays Climate Change Response meeting – presentations and discussion recordings.

Sign up to this initiative, the actions of this group will be determined largely by those who get involved. This page will be updated with more details – but if you want to be informed and involved in activities going forward then you can sign up here.

Previous newsletters, lectures and more:




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Please list any related or relevant organisations you represent or are a member of. (optional)
Please tell us why you want to be involved, and any experience or skills you can offer which may support our goals. (optional)