Eastbourne Community Board | Poari Hapori o Ōkiwinui
Find out: What is the Eastbourne Community Board, and what does it do for Eastbourne?
Board Members
Belinda Moss (Chair) Belinda.Moss@huttcity.govt.nz Ph 029 494 1615
Frank Vickers Frank.Vickers@huttcity.govt.nz Ph 027 406 1419
Bruce Spedding Bruce.Spedding@huttcity.govt.nz Ph 021 029 74741
Murray Gibbons Murray.Gibbons@huttcity.govt.nz Ph 04 562 8567
Emily Keddell (current Deputy Chair*) Emily.Keddell@huttcity.govt.nz Ph 021 188 5106
Tui Lewis (Deputy Mayor and Harbour Ward Councillor) Tui.Lewis@huttcity.govt.nz Ph 021 271 6249
* Deputy Chair position will be rotated through all the board members over the trienium (3 years), switching approximately every 7 months.
Eastbourne Community Board meets every 6 weeks. –
All the meetings are open to the public, except for items considered under ‘public excluded’ business.
At the start of each meeting we make time for public comment. During this time, anyone can speak for 3 minutes on any item that is in the order papers.
We advertise the community meetings in advance. You can get order papers 2 working days before each meeting
Eastbourne Community Board on Facebook
• Naming new roads and alterations to street names (in the Community Board’s area) within the provisions of Council’s Kaupapa Here Tapanga – Naming Policy 2022-2027.
• Official naming of parks, reserves and sports grounds within the provisions of Council’s Kaupapa Here Tapanga – Naming Policy 2022-2027. Note 1
• Removal and/or planting of street trees within the provisions of Council’s Operational Guide for Urban Forest Plan. Note 2
• The granting of leases and licences in terms of Council policy to voluntary organisations for Council owned properties in their local area, for example, halls, but not including the granting of leases and licences to community houses and centres.
• The granting of rights-of-way and other easements over local purpose reserves and granting of leases or licences on local purpose reserves.
• The granting of leases and licences for new activities in terms of Council policy to community and commercial organisations over recreation reserves subject to the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977 and land managed as reserve subject to the provisions of the Local Government 2002, in their local area. (Note: renewal of existing leases and licences will be reported once a year to the relevant committee of Council).
• The allocation of funding from the Community Engagement Fund in accordance with Council’s adopted guidelines.
• Expenditure of funds allocated by the Council to the Board from the Miscellaneous Budget to cover expenditure associated with the activities of the Board. The Chair to approve expenditure, in consultation with the Board, and forward appropriate documentation to the Committee Advisor for authorisation. Boards must not exceed their annual expenditure from the Miscellaneous Budget.
• The allocation of funding for the training and development of Community Board or members, including formal training courses, attendance at seminars or attendance at relevant conferences.
• Particular issues notified from time to time by Council to the Community Board.
• Roading issues considered by the Mayor and Chief Executive to be strategic due to their significance on a city-wide basis, including links to the State Highway, or where their effects cross ward or community boundaries.
1 This excludes sites that are considered high profile, significant on a city-wide basis due to their size and location, or where the site crosses ward or community boundaries.
2 The Operational Guide for Urban Forest Plan is available from Council’s Parks and Gardens Division.
• Parks, reserves and sports ground naming for sites that have a high profile, city-wide importance due to their size and location and/or cross ward or community boundaries.
• Representatives to any Council committee, subcommittee, subordinate decision-making body, working group, or ad hoc group on which a Community Board representative is required by Council.
• The setting, amending or revoking of speed limits in accordance with the Hutt City Council Bylaw 2005 Speed Limits, including the hearing of any submissions.
Provide their local community’s input on:
• Council’s Long Term Plan and/or Annual Plan.
• Council’s policies, programmes (including the District Roading Programme) and bylaws.
• Changes or variations to the District Plan.
• Resource management issues which it believes are relevant to its local community, through advocacy.
• The disposal or acquisition of significant assets.
• Road safety including road safety education within its area.
• Any other issues a Board believes is relevant to its local area.
• Review Local Community Plans as required.
Reports may be prepared by the Board and presented to Council Committees, along with an officer’s recommendation, for consideration. Any submissions lodged by a Board or Committee require formal endorsement by way of resolution.
Co-ordinate with Council staff:
• Local community consultation on city-wide issues on which the Council has called for consultation.
• An overview of roadworks, water supply, sewerage, stormwater drainage, waste management and traffic management for its local area.
• An overview of parks, recreational facilities and community activities within its local area.
• Community Response Plans in close consultation with the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office, emergency organisations, the community, residents’ associations, other community groups, and local businesses. The Community Response Plans will be reviewed on an annual basis.
• Local community awards.
• Recreational facilities and opportunities in its area with a view to ensure maximum usage.
• Arts and crafts in its area.
• A liaison member or, where appropriate, representatives to ad hoc bodies, which are involved in community activities within the Board’s area, on which a community representative is sought.
• Amendments to the Eastbourne Community Trust Deed (Eastbourne Community Board only).
The fund is for local activities and events that directly benefit the local community.
To be eligible for funding the organisation must be a charitable trust or an incorporated society and the activity must take place within the Hutt.
Each of the city’s seven wards receive funding according to the number of residents within its boundaries. For each resident there is an allocation of 40 cents.
The ward allocations are listed below:
Ward Amount
- Eastbourne $2,366
- Petone $6,250
- Wainuiomata $8,607
- Central $9,320
- Eastern $8,461
- Northern $7,644
- Western $6,201
Applications must support the Local Community Plan, if there is one, and also core Council business as identified in the Long Term Plan.
Each Community Board decides the funding applications within its area. Boards are free to distribute their funding in a single large allocation or spread it over a number of smaller ones.
What can be funded
• purchase of office equipment
• food and catering costs
• community festivals
• youth group events and projects run by the elderly or citizens associations
• art projects that are not part of the core curriculum
• advertising, promotion costs
What won’t be funded
Activities that:
• promote an organisation’s religious, ethical, commercial or political views
• involve buying land or buildings or carrying out maintenance on buildings
• duplicate services that are already covered by Council or by government agencies eg, health or education providers
• have already begun or have already finished
• involve the redistribution of funds to others at the applicant’s discretion
• involve fundraising or legal costs
• involve capital investments or trust funds
• go towards prize money
• are operational costs eg, salaries, wages, rent, power
Funding rules
Successful applicants must:
• use funds only for the approved purpose and in accordance with any terms and conditions set by Council
• use funds by June 30 of the following year
• let Council’s funding officer know immediately if any difficulty or potential difficulty arises that may compromise the service or project
• lay a complaint with Police if any funds are stolen or misappropriated, and then notify Council
• allow Council to audit the use of the funds should it wish to do so
• recognise Council’s support in all publicity material, annual reports and similar publications
• complete an Accountability Report no later than six weeks after completing the project. This
should outline how the funds were used and how the community benefited
• make a presentation to the funding group showing how the event met its objectives.
Council’s Community Funding Advisor is available to support and assist community groups
when making applications through the Council’s online grants system.
The Eastbourne Community Board, representing the people of Eastbourne;
Recognises that we are part of a community living in a uniqueenvironment,
Believes that we have been entrusted with the care of an environment which is a major asset of the Wellington region,
Desires to conserve and enhance this asset for the enjoyment of future generations of residents and visitors, and therefore;
Acknowledges and promotes the key characteristics of Eastbourne and the Bays as:
1. A community situated on the coast of Wellington harbour, bounded by the sea on the one side and on the other by bush-clad hills;
2. A community comprising a string of smaller communities, with residential areas of low-rise, low-density housing, interspersed with many trees;
3. A community in which the citizens care and respect each other’s differences and right to quiet enjoyment of their surroundings;
4. A community where industry and commerce have developed withoutdetriment to the natural environment;
5. A community where the arts are valued and where participation in theatre, painting, pottery, music, gardening and sports is actively fostered and encouraged ;
6. A community concerned for the welfare of the young and the old where the elderly may retire in dignity, where families have access to facilities to raise their children in an environment which promotes safety and well-being;
7. A community which values and encourages preservation of its heritage and history.
It is our stated intent that the recognition of these principles and acceptance of the key characteristics will underlie the activities which we as a community and board undertake, and that they will provide the criteria against which, and within which, any district plans, strategic plans or developmental or organisational initiatives may be assessed