Sea level rise is a real issue for Eastbourne – the recently released mapping system highlights not only the levels of sea level rise we can expect, but also the compounding effect of geololgical sinking, we are going down while the sea is coming up. TVNZ news report (Eastbourne features in second video) The Searise mapping system can be accessed here  Read More →

In 2014 the Eastbourne Community Board conducted a survey of Eastbourne and the Bays to gauge the wellbeing and satisfaction of the residents and to identify issues of importance to the community. The information gathered in the survey could then be used to guide the Board in representations to Hutt City Council and to provide data that could be referred to in the event of any regional amalgamation. The data from the survey could be used by individuals, community groups and businesses to make Eastbourne’s voice heard in a larger government structure. Questions in the survey were designed to find out the priority residents placedRead More →

You may have seen or heard that the NZ SeaRise: Te Tai Pari O Aotearoa programme has released location specific sea level rise projections out to the year 2300 for every 2 km of the coast of Aotearoa New Zealand. Following delays due to covid and also waiting while HCC group consulted and gathered info on what’s actually being done locally the Eastbourne Community Board will be initiating / organizing community meetings so that we can understand future sea level rise scenarios for Eastbourne and the Bays and work together to respond. Eastbourners are a capable, resilient lot. We love where we live. We canRead More →

This fund supports local activities and events that directly benefit the communities concerned. Funding details on Hutt City website. Community boards and funding panels receive a set amount of funding to give out to applicants each financial year. Applications must support the Local Community Plan (if there is one) and also core Council business identified in our Long Term Plan. Eligibility criteria You must: have legal status as charitable trusts or incorporated societies that have the right to receive or administer charitable funding be based in Hutt City be planning an event/activity in Hutt City. Available funding for Eastbourne $2,366 What we fund Purchase of officeRead More →

Update – dates changed! 16th of May to the 10th of June. Southern Remutaka: Proposed Aerial 1080 Programme – Operation Notification EcoFX has been contracted by OSPRI New Zealand to undertake a large-scale aerial 1080 operation in the Southern Remutaka Ranges. The purpose of the operation is to reduce the possum population to low numbers to prevent the spread of bovine tuberculosis (TB). The operation is scheduled to be delivered in May 2022, but may occur as late as June as the programme is weather-dependent. There are two phases to the proposed programme. Non-toxic prefeed cereal baits will be sown over the treatment blocks at an averageRead More →

Bus Stops – Have your say … Bus stop review for the bays is planned for 2023. The Hutt City Traffic subcommittee is meeting 2pm, 21 April including approval for review procedures. The bus stop guidelines are “one size fits all” and quite contrary to some Eastbourne characteristics – if you have an interest in this you can have your say , in person (it’s on Zoom as well) or in writing. Agenda is available for download. More →

Anzac Day 2022 The Eastbourne Memorial RSA reluctantly noted in last month’s Eastbourne Herald that it has had to cancel this year’s Street March and Citizens Commemorative Service. Earlier in March the RNZRSA informed all RSAs that no NZDF resources would be available for Anzac Day 2022. Also the Hutt City Council advised it was likely that there would not be a public service on Anzac Day, instead it would be replaced by a private service in the St James Church for approximately 75 guests and that this service would be ‘live streamed’ to the public, – and they would advise that there would beRead More →

CentrePort is undertaking maintenance to ensure sufficient depths for shipping at some of its wharves, and improvements to shipping channel safety on behalf of the Harbour Master. The Dutch Dredging company vessel Albatros, seen in Wellington Harbour last year, returns to clear build-ups of sand in front of the Aotea Quay, and the Thorndon Container, Seaview and Burnham wharves. The Albatros will be working in areas immediately in front of the wharves, known as ‘berth pockets’. The Harbour Master reminds recreational vessels to maintain a minimum 100m distance from the Albatros during operations. Shipping movements and propeller wash create mounds of sand which needs toRead More →

As you might be aware, the Government is proposing to reform how three waters services are managed and delivered across Aotearoa New Zealand. Currently, these services – drinking water, waste water, and storm water – are delivered by 67 councils, and the Government is proposing to consolidate these services under 4 publicly-owned entities instead. We all need reliable access to safe drinking water, and we also have a responsibility to look after our environment. These reforms have been proposed following the death of four people in Havelock North in 2016, where 35 people were also hospitalised and many more fell ill after consuming contaminated water. Analysis by the government suggestsRead More →

The Government passed a law in late 2021 to allow housing up to three storeys high in most residential areas, without requiring council planning permission (resource consent). Council is also required to allow housing of at least six storeys within walking distance of our train stations, the CBD and the Petone commercial area. More housing (also known as intensification) will also be allowed in residential areas such as the suburban centres of Avalon, Eastbourne, Moera, Stokes Valley and Wainuiomata. Council is only able to limit these requirements in specific circumstances such as identified natural hazard and heritage areas. This law means a change to council’sRead More →

The Integrated Transport Strategy outlines our vision, and strategic direction for responding to Lower Hutt’s growing transport challenges. It outlines an integrated approach to delivering land use planning, transport planning, investment and encouraging behaviour change within Lower Hutt. Have your say on the Intergrated Transport Strategy   Read More →

Headlines : Flouride failure likely to impact the vulnerable. Development plan for 15 Puriri Street provokes calls for public notification. >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

If you’ve got questions about an upcoming aerial operation in the Southern Remutaka area, register for one of our webinars. Wednesday 16 March 2022 – Sunday 20 March 2022 Join one of our webinars if you’d like to discuss an upcoming aerial operation for possum control in the Southern Remutaka area. The aim of 1080 aerial operations is to manage and eventually eradicate bovine tuberculosis (TB) from our farmed cattle and deer, and wild animal populations. The aerial operation in Southern Remutaka will cover 13,349 hectares, and is planned to take place in May 2022, weather-dependent. Find out more about the operation using the link below. SouthernRead More →

Household Earthquake Planning session If you’re not sure about your next step towards being better prepared for an emergency, the Household Earthquake Planning session is for you! This free one-hour session will provide tips on how you to prepare to help yourself, your household and your community when the worst happens. We’re coming to a suburb near you with a short-format class for a brief introduction to: The hazards we face in the Wellington Region The impacts of those hazards on your daily life How you and your household can be prepared for an emergency How you can get involved in the wider community’s responseRead More →

WREMO runs a number of community workshops aimed to help individuals, businesses, communities and schools be more prepared for emergencies. Follow the links to understand more about our workshops: Learn more about our Household Earthquake Planning Sessions Learn more about Business Continuity Planning Workshops Learn more about Schools Emergency Planning Workshops Learn more about Earthquake Drills and Planning WorkshopsRead More →

Headline: Bowling Club selling up, on the move. >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

Headline: Stink spoils summer fun as sewerage discharged. >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email or phone (04) 562 7500Read More →

Wellington Water are closing a lane on Seaview Road from Monday 21 February As part of our work to improve our wastewater resilience, we are duplicating a section of pipe from Barber Grove, down the middle of Randwick Road, to the Seaview Wastewater Treatment Plant. We’re starting work this Monday and installing traffic management on Seaview Road, outside the cemetery. Part of the two-lane road heading towards the roundabout will be decreased to one lane. Have a look at the red arrow below. While we’ll try our best not to cause congestion, this part of the project requires us dig a trench to install theRead More →

Linking with the Tupua narrative being infused in other projects underway around the Harbour and Valley, the project is to be known as Tupua Horo Nuku – telling the story of Ngake, one of the two tupua who created Te Whanganui-a-Tara and Te Awa Kairangi in traditional narrative. The name was gifted to the project by Kura Moeahu of Te Atiawa Taranaki Whanui. Full storyRead More →