Find out more about the Climate Response Network

We had a really positive inaugural meeting of the Eastern Bays Climate Network. It was great to see so many people engaging with people they had never met and the enthusiasm for positive action.
I have attached the full list of ideas so those who were unable to come can see what was canvassed so far. If there is anything on the list you would like to become involved in let me know and maybe other groups will develop.
* Meeting Wednesday November 16  St Ronan’s Hall – after that we may not meet so often but agreed we need one more meeting to get a bit more organized so we are ready for action in the new year.
* Bruce Spedding and Troy Baisden are looking at how we can set up a digital communication web ( or other) so all can keep in touch and add ideas and actions
* Action points – are at the end of the attached list. If you would like to join any of these initial discussions email me.
* Contact within the group – everyone there agreed it was fine to share their email within the group so individuals can get in touch. If you havem\n’t already can you let me know if this is ok with you and I’ll send one open address email to the group.


  • Environmental monitoring and display
  • Plant a few trees in your garden
  • Measure community carbon footprint
  • Native tree planting to stabilise hills
    Reduce plastic bottle use by putting drinking fountain in village and Rec ( Simon Shaw, Ginny Horrocks, Mel Johnston) – also on shared path ( this is part of project investigation. Pressure needs
    to be maintained to see whether it’s feasible)
  • Eliminate all single use plastic bottles ( having water fountains might help with this)
  • Repair shop
  • Advocate for composting at Seaview waste plant
  • Scale up community garden to promote education to more self-sufficient pathway
  • Start food co-op for staples to reduce car trips ( some streets already have e.g. Kotari Rd buys organic eggs in bulk from Otaki
  • Tool library
  • Spread information on ( quite a few of these on
    • Why recycling items for collection need to be clean ( Have just had HCC leaflet on this?)
    • Where to take fruit & veg waste/ reduce wasted trips to Petone, supermarket etc
    • Where to dispose of stuff e.g. batteries
    • Remind of re-cycling options e.g. polystyrene
    • Services in Eastbourne
    • Not putting plastic bags in bins at bus stops as explode /move and contents spread onto
    • Education about waste in gutters – why does this matter? goes into streams etc.
    • Change diet – eat less meat and dairy
    • Describe living well locally???
    • Promote
    • Food sharing
    • Sharing waste bin space
    • Get a worm farm
    • Throw tea bags and coffee grounds onto garden ( actually many tea bags have plastic…)
    • Promote zero waste food programme – Love food: Not waste food
    • Vegan recipe
    • Collections
      • Green waste bins for compost and collected more frequently
      • Bottle cap & tetra pak local collection
      • Annual ( or more frequent) inorganic waste collection ( Caroline Drury & Helen Jorgensen)
      • E-waste collection centre ( Caroline Drury & Helen Jorgensen)
      • Annual ( or more frequent) “ leave at gate” enabling people to select & recycle
      • Re-cycling bins in parks
    • Schools –
      • RE-invigorate enviro-school programme at Muritai School, inspire parents, children, teachers to take action as a school ( Robyn Langlands, Frank Vickers, Suzanne McRobb to meet new principal, Stu Devenport)
      • Wellesley – invite to join this network. Invited and have joined ( Ginny Horrocks)


  • Create real time info for community ( Bruce Spedding has a brilliant digital notice board in the library )
  • Workshops and / or support groups to help process emotions related to climate & biodiversity crisis
  • Advocate for tougher standards on siting / location of new buildings
  • Promote community resilience
  • Meet local politicians and press for support for strong climate action
  • Community Identity like Republic of Aramoana – T-shirts, stickers etc to raise profile


  • Ask local businesses what they are doing and promote positives ( we did this with plastic
  • Locals share own efforts / ideas / tips on reducing carbon footprint
  • Campaign for plastic free Eastbourne
  • Use existing networks – schools, church, scouts, sports


  • Advocate for better bus service ( Lyn Jowett to contact other communities )
  • Investigate group purchase E-bikes, solar panels
  • ELECTRIC DAY at Williams Park or other location as Williams Park in weekends may be busy
    so no space for more vehicles – locals with EVs and e-bikes show and tell with those keen to
    find out.
  • Ride sharing – create app/ promote through FB/street car pooling/re-activate pick up points
  • Encourage carless days ( once / twice ?? a week?)
  • More peak ferry times
  • Secure e-bike parking in village
  • Bike repair stations
  • Develop Burdan’s Gate area for walking and cycling

MESSAGE FRAMING – how to talk to people without antagonising


  • Insurance – identify issues and options specific to Eastbourne
  • Community strategy – long term for managed retreat/ find out about Makara project ( John Horrocks)
  • Long term – what alternative access routes might be developed for Eastbourne and Bays
  • HCC – storm water drains increasingly affected by rising sea level -more pumping stations will be needed.
  • Wremo– inevitable floods/ isolation etc
  • planning for critical evacuations
  • personalised emergency plan based on location
  • turn geographical isolation into positive community groups
  • local emergency alerting & information system
  • community lists so people can check on & support neighbours ( many set up for covid support)
  • Shared Path – complete through Days Bay / continue to Burdan’s Gate


  • Philippa Barker – find out what happens to soft plastic ( check with 4 square)
  • Bruce Spedding , Troy Baisden – communication network , digital and other
  • Lyn Jowett – contact other communities campaigning for better bus transport
  • Robin Langlands, Frank Vickers, Suzanne McRobb- contact Muritai School principal to inspire school community
  • Ginny Horrocks, Simon Shaw, Mel Johnston – water fountains to refill drinking bottles
  • Caroline Dury, Helen Jorgensen – inorganic collection, e-waste collection point( great news – Lions trialling an e-waste collection over this spring and summer )
  • John Horrocks – investigate Makara community project to see whether framework would suit Eastbourne
  • Ginny Horrocks – invite Wellesley to join network – done, they are enthusiastic. Great to have them