Sea level rise is a real issue for Eastbourne – the recently released mapping system highlights not only the levels of sea level rise we can expect, but also the compounding effect of geololgical sinking, we are going down while the sea is coming up. TVNZ news report (Eastbourne features in second video) The Searise mapping system can be accessed here  Read More →

You may have seen or heard that the NZ SeaRise: Te Tai Pari O Aotearoa programme has released location specific sea level rise projections out to the year 2300 for every 2 km of the coast of Aotearoa New Zealand. Following delays due to covid and also waiting while HCC group consulted and gathered info on what’s actually being done locally the Eastbourne Community Board will be initiating / organizing community meetings so that we can understand future sea level rise scenarios for Eastbourne and the Bays and work together to respond. Eastbourners are a capable, resilient lot. We love where we live. We canRead More →

A programme of three separate but interdependent projects: Flood protection, Urban revitalisation (the Making Places Urban Development Plan), and Melling transport improvements. RiverLink is a partnership between Hutt City Council, Greater Wellington, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, that aims to transform Lower Hutt by providing better flood protection, enabling urban growth and improving transport safety and connections in central Lower Hutt. websiteRead More →

Ōkiwinui Eastbourne is part of the Harbour Ward of Hutt City. For urgent noise, pollution, sewer, water, storm water and animal issues please call us on 570 6666. – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Otherwise, use the online portal to Report a Problem Any issues logged through Report a Problem outside of business hours (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm) will be dealt with on the next business day. Once you’re in the portal, you have to enter the following information: Subject – choose from the menu Additional information – give more details about what’s happening for you Attach a photo – you can choose toRead More →

Tupua Horo Nuku Eastern Bays Shared Path

The Eastern Bays shared path is a 4.4 kilometre walking and cycling path to be built along Marine Drive between Ngau Matau (Point Howard) and Eastbourne. It will be called Tupua Horo Nuku, a name that evokes the narrative of the Tupua, Ngake, one of the two creators of the Harbour in traditional Māori narrative. The name was gifted to the project by Te Atiawa Taranaki Whānui, as part of the partnership between iwi and Hutt City Council. Latest flyover of the project so far – August 2024 Go to the Hutt City project page for more information and sign up for progress updates orRead More →