The event has come and gone! Thanks to all who contributed and/or came along! A report on this will be published in tye future – if you would like toget this update, or indeed any updates about the community/ from the community board – you can subscribe to our newsletters here.
Are you ready? Do you have a plan? What will you do in an emergency? Will you be safe? Who will you contact and how?
This expo is intended to activate and support our community to become safer and more resilient as an individual, family / whanau and community / kāinga.
It’s FREE! It will be FUN, and there are PRIZES! You can just turn up, but if you register now or on arrival – you’ll go in the draw.

Resilience includes day to day safety, having plans and resources in place for more significant emergencies, and acting to prevent or minimise future incidents where possible. The scope is as broad as you can imagine, from ways to stay safe around your home, dealing with family or community emergencies all the way to responding to generational issues such as climate change. Find out more
The event is free and open to all the community and businesses, and will provide demonstrations, exercises, planning and action suggestions, information, resources and even prizes for both individuals and communities.
Represented will be the expected safety, emergency and rescue based organisations, community organisations with a roles to play in community support (that’s everyone), and businesses offering services and products related to community resilience.
Muritai School: 10 am to 3 pm Sunday 24 March 2024.
If you would like to find out more, keep informed on the expo (and beyond), and win prizes for you and your community, you can register below. You will also be able to just turn up on the day and register to stay informed. We will be providing updates on what will be happening on the day as the event approaches, as well as offering suggestions on how you can activate your family and community. All registrations will go in the draw.

Check out the Digital Display screens
Exhibitor information and application
If you are a community, organisation or business that would like to attend you can find out more and reserve your space here. There is no charge to exhibit for non-profits, however donations of appropriate spot prizes by commercial attendees would be appropriate (payment is optional). If you would like to have a stall for your community or group you can also register, this could be an opportunity to sign up new members. Details here, and reserve your space. Exhibitors info and application here.
Resilience Expo Individual Registration
Register below to stay informed and enter our Resilience Giveaways. You will also be added to our email list but can unsubscribe at any time. Exhibitors can register here.
- If you wish to update or cancel your subscription the links to do this are included at the bottom of each email we send.
- We collect this information from you for the sole purpose of sending you information updates, and will not use it for any other purpose or share it with any other organisation
- You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at newsletter@eastbourne.nz.