Community group

VOLUNTEERS WANTED TO MANAGE PEDESTRIAN FLOW AT THE DAYS BAY CROSSING The Eastbourne Community Board and Days Bay Residents Association plan to trial a volunteer system for managing the pedestrian flow across the Days Bay Crossing between the wharf and Williams Park. On hot summer holidays, the constant flow of pedestrians at the crossing holds up traffic, causing long delays to residents, visitors and emergency vehicles. We are establishing a list of volunteers from Days Bay, Eastbourne and the other Bays willing to join a WhatsApp group (we can show you how). When a fine weather forecast coincides with a weekend or public holiday, theRead More → is a website for the Eastern Bays community, residents and visitors. Eastbourne and the bays are a community and village on the eastern side of Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. The website is managed by the Eastbourne Community Board (ECB) which has the responsibility of representing and communicating with the community. It also has a small Community Fund to distribute, and awards the Eastbournes each year to recognise those members of the community that are making valuable contributions. This website is part of a wider communications portfolio which includes: An electronic notice board inside and outside the Eastbourne Library / Community Hub, Email newsletters forRead More →

Wharf to wharf swimming race Eastbourne

Kia Ora “Whatever you choose to do, give it your best. Respect others and success cannot help but follow”. About W2W: The Wharf-to-Wharf swim is an Eastbourne institution that has been running for over 75 years. This fun, non-competitive friendly swim event is run by the Muritai Yacht Club and volunteers for the benefit of the Eastbourne community. The course begins on Days Bay beach and finishes next to the Rona Bay wharf in Eastbourne. Every person is a winner and at a distance of approximately 1.25km it is an event that all age groups can enjoy together. Rules of participation: Entry is open to anyRead More →

Across the harbour from downtown Wellington, Eastbourne occupies a foreland built up by the meeting of sediment-laden currents. For centuries Māori occupied kāinga (settlements) in the sheltered bays, and more substantial pā on the headlands. Early pā sites include Matuaiwi and Korohiwa, to the north and south of what is now Eastbourne… Place names The History of Days Bay, by 5H 2022, Wellesley CollegeRead More →