Household Earthquake Planning session If you’re not sure about your next step towards being better prepared for an emergency, the Household Earthquake Planning session is for you! This free one-hour session will provide tips on how you to prepare to help yourself, your household and your community when the worst happens. We’re coming to a suburb near you with a short-format class for a brief introduction to: The hazards we face in the Wellington Region The impacts of those hazards on your daily life How you and your household can be prepared for an emergency How you can get involved in the wider community’s responseRead More →

What they are doing and why • Wharf 50 years in service and requires upgrade/repairs for future resilience. • Main fuel Pipeline (owned by Z,BP, Mobil) requires upgrade. • Seaview Wharf, bulk fuel pipeline and storage network essential to the regional economy. • A critical lifelines asset. • Future-proofing with capability of carrying alternative, non-carbon fuels. 3 Stages Stage 1 Replacement of fuel pipeline from Ngamatau/Point Howard to Port Road Commenced January 2021 and due to be completed early 2022. 2021-2022 Stage 2 Upgrade of Seaview Wharf and pipeline section from ship berth to Point Howard. Site establishment Dec 2021, works underway Mar 2022. 2021Read More →