Proposal to disestablish community boards A Hutt City council independent representation review has recommended that community boards, including the Eastbourne Community Board, be disestablished. The Eastbourne Community Board believes that community boards provide an invaluable service to residents. The report argues that representation is inequitable with only three community boards in Hutt City, in Eastbourne, Petone and Wainuiomata. We believe that introducing a community board to each ward would be a better way to address this inequality. (This would see the Eastbourne and Petone Community Boards combine for Harbour Ward). The report also argues that community boards, established in 1989, are no longer relevant inRead More →

The Kenny cup: A note or two about the Kenny cup. Officially called the East Harbour Surf Life Saving Club Kenny Cup. Since 1954 the cup has been given to the fastest local home. The first name to go on the cup was B. Baird. Ray Gough’s name has appeared a record, 16 times! Finola Rance was the first female to have her name inscribed onto the Kenny Cup. In recent history Casey Glover’s time of 14.27 is the fastest time yet. Results: Results from the 2nd March 2025 event: Overall Results Results by Category Results from 3rd March 2024 event: Overall Results Results byRead More →