Information on Days Bay Waste Water fault

(latest – Wellington Water) Update 14 06/09/2024 (Final) Kia Ora Koutou Last night our crews successfully restored the Days Bay Pump station back to the wastewater network following successful pipe replacement, connection, and pressure testing.  We have ceased the use of the sucker trucks following full-service restoration. Wellington Water acknowledges the mahi of all the crews involved in this difficult and complex repair.  Thank you also to the Eastbourne community. We acknowledge the works have taken a long time, and we appreciate your patience, understanding and support throughout. Restrictions on water recreational activities at Days Bay have been lifted, please check with LAWA for more informationRead More →

Proposal to disestablish community boards A Hutt City council independent representation review has recommended that community boards, including the Eastbourne Community Board, be disestablished. The Eastbourne Community Board believes that community boards provide an invaluable service to residents. The report argues that representation is inequitable with only three community boards in Hutt City, in Eastbourne, Petone and Wainuiomata. We believe that introducing a community board to each ward would be a better way to address this inequality. (This would see the Eastbourne and Petone Community Boards combine for Harbour Ward). The report also argues that community boards, established in 1989, are no longer relevant inRead More →

Seagulls looking a billboard which says "Abolish Community Boards, they are too successful" , Bird1: That's not fair. Bird2: You can say that again mate! Bird3: I's just be a lot happier if I thought they knew what they were doing.

Proposal to disestablish community boards We will update this page with information as it comes to hand – please check in regularly or contact us. APPEALING THE DECISION TO DISESTABLISH COMMUNITY BOARDS Many Eastbourne and Eastern Bays residents have asked Community Board members how to appeal Council’s decision to disestablish community boards. Council’s information says: Any person who made a submission on the Council’s initial Representation proposal may lodge an appeal against the Council’s decision. An appeal must relate to the matters raised in that person’s submission. Appeals must be made in writing and received by Council no later than 15 October 2024 at More →

Eastern Bays Community Resilience Expo - Muritai School, 24 March, 10am to 3pm.

The Eastern Bays Community Resilience Expo was a great success but had a lower  turnout than we hoped for. We hope to change that. If you attended, or even if you didn’t – we would like to hear from you. Please complete the following form as much as you can, we want your opinions and ideas on where to go next and what to next time. Thank you! If you want a reminder, the Expo details are here. If you are interested in details, a report on organising the event is available , and also my analysis of what to do in future (both are sharedRead More →

Historical Society of Eastbourne Newsletter header

A request from the Historical Society of Eastbourne: We’re currently working on a digital photo sequence to be screened at the Eastern Bays Community Resilience Expo on 24th March, depicting extreme weather events, bushfires and other natural disasters that have affected the Eastern Bays in past decades. In our archive collection we have many historical photos of such events, but we’d like to include more recent images as well, covering the last 25 years – especially of storms, flooding and slips, and the damage they’ve caused. So if you have any digital photos that would fit the bill, and wouldn’t mind sharing them, Ali Carew would be very grateful! Please emailRead More →

More than 60% of car trips taken by New Zealanders are less than 5km, while more than 30% are under 2km*. 5km is the approximate distance from Point Howard to Eastbourne Village ( or Petone supermarkets). It’s not unreasonable to assume that about 50% of car trips in the bays are within the bays. What if there was a smaller shuttle bus that ran back and forth between Seaview Marina and Burdan’s Gate, perhaps every 30 minutes, synchronised with the ferry service where possible? Current technology allows the buses to be tracked, so you could check the arrival/departure time at your stop with your phone;Read More →

Information for exhibitors About expo and individual registration – Exhibitor information and registration Sunday 24 March  Enter the school from 7:30am or 8:30am (as notified) from Oroua St gates where you’ll be checked off and then follow the directions of the friendly marshals. You will be given a row number where you will set up your stall. Outside rows will be filled in the order of arrival. Indoor stalls have allocated positions. You will be directed to drop off as close to your stall site as possible, but as space is restricted – be prepared to carry your own materials from the field* to yourRead More →

The event runs from 10am to 3pm on Sunday 24 March. Access to the site for emergency services will be from 7:30am, other groups from 8:30am. All exhibitors must be clear by 4:30pm unless other arrangements have been made. If you are just planning to attend,  public information and registration is here. Confirmed stakeholder exhibitors include WREMO, FENZ, HCC, WFA, WE*, CAB, Neighbourhood Support and more There is no charge to non-profit exhibit0rs. There is also no charge to commercial exhibitors but we ask you offer a suitable spot prize or service to encourage the community to attend. You can  make a donation instead ifRead More →

The event has come and gone! Thanks to all who contributed and/or came along! A report on this will be published in tye future – if you would like toget this update, or indeed any updates about the community/ from the community board – you can subscribe to our newsletters here. Are you ready? Do you have a plan? What will you do in an emergency? Will you be safe? Who will you contact and how? This expo is intended to activate and support our community to become safer and more resilient as an individual,  family / whanau and community / kāinga. It’s FREE! ItRead More →

Lions Bin

Since introduction the battery and Tetra-Pak recycling at the Eastbourne library we have recycled over 50 kg of batteries through Bunnings and more recently dropped off over 280 Tetra Paks at Earthlink in Taita. Combining this with soft-plastics recycling at the Four Square supermarket and the Lions monthly waste bin (there’s a charge, and they recycle metals and electronics) we are doing well. Recycling (and rubbish) options are listed on this page.Read More →

Eastern Bays Climate Response Network

Tetra Pak recycling trial – a bin is now available in the Eastbourne Library foyer (next to batteries) for Tetra Pak recycling. Please note that this trial can only continue while paks are properly opened, flattened, cleaned and dried (see below – if you’ve done this before you’ll know that rinsing is not enough). Any pak can be deposited, and you can leave the lid on. These paks will be periodically delivered to the Upper Hutt Recycling Station and will end up in products like saveBoard ( More →

Open Day We were thankful the rain held off for the recent open day in Mā-koromiko which gave people the opportunity to see the completed seawall sections in this bay. Following a walkthrough with the Mayor, local councillors and invited media, the community were able to get a close-up look at the pre-cast seawall blocks which our team has been working hard to install. “I’m really excited about the progress we’ve been able to make on this project,” Mayor Campbell Barry said. “Many in the local community have been advocating for this for a very long time and to be down here seeing the seawallRead More →


MIRO is an entirely volunteer organisation, working in partnership with Greater Wellington Regional Council to restore the forest and lake ecosystems in East Harbour Regional Park.   MIRO volunteers work in the Northern Forest, at the Parangarahu Lakes, the Gracefield Tree Nursery, and the Eastbourne foreshore and residential area.  In the Northern Forest, which is the part of the park adjacent to Eastbourne and Wainuiomata, MIRO’s work focussed for 20 years on controlling possums, which were damaging our native trees, especially rata.  Monitoring shows that possum numbers are being kept at low levels, so attention is now shifting to the control of stoats and rats, which prey on our native birds. About 50 MIRO volunteers service these traps every month, while others assist with quarterly rodent monitoring and 5-minuteRead More →

East by West logo

We outlined a few trials in a survey that sought to provide more options to help getting to/from Days Bay wharf – , you can see a summary of survey results here. We have now opened applications for spaces in a few trials: Shuttle. Wildfinder are helping us get a shuttle trial off the ground starting next Monday 3 July. The shuttle will meet three sailings in the morning and three in the evening on weekdays, and the trial will run for two months. It will run between Matipo St and Days Bay wharf along Muritai Road, and get to Days Bay wharf five minutes aheadRead More →

Hutt City logo

Biodiversity – What matters to you? Hutt City Council is developing an Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy and wants to hear what’s important to you. When the draft strategy is released, there will be further opportunity to have your say.   Keeping nature healthy, greening our cities, supporting local communities and maintaining the enormous diversity of life on our planet is essential for our future. The strategy will be the environmental blueprint for our city when finalised. Together, we can protect and restore our natural taonga for future generations.   The information that you provide is confidential and will not be able to be traced to any individual or household. The platform we use to collect your information is Bang the Table. Your information isRead More →