MIRO is an entirely volunteer organisation, working in partnership with Greater Wellington Regional Council to restore the forest and lake ecosystems in East Harbour Regional Park.   MIRO volunteers work in the Northern Forest, at the Parangarahu Lakes, the Gracefield Tree Nursery, and the Eastbourne foreshore and residential area.  In the Northern Forest, which is the part of the park adjacent to Eastbourne and Wainuiomata, MIRO’s work focussed for 20 years on controlling possums, which were damaging our native trees, especially rata.  Monitoring shows that possum numbers are being kept at low levels, so attention is now shifting to the control of stoats and rats, which prey on our native birds. About 50 MIRO volunteers service these traps every month, while others assist with quarterly rodent monitoring and 5-minuteRead More →

New members and visitors are always welcome The club rooms with bar service are available for hire for every occasion 179 Muritai Rd, Eastbourne, Lower Hutt 5013 email: eastbournebowlsclub@gmail.com Ph: 04 562 7012 website https://www.sporty.co.nz/eastbournebowlsRead More →

East by West logo

We outlined a few trials in a survey that sought to provide more options to help getting to/from Days Bay wharf – , you can see a summary of survey results here. We have now opened applications for spaces in a few trials: Shuttle. Wildfinder are helping us get a shuttle trial off the ground starting next Monday 3 July. The shuttle will meet three sailings in the morning and three in the evening on weekdays, and the trial will run for two months. It will run between Matipo St and Days Bay wharf along Muritai Road, and get to Days Bay wharf five minutes aheadRead More →

Eastern Bays recycling options

BATTERY RECYCLING – most of us would like to recycle our batteries but collecting enough to warrant a trip to the recycling centre takes forever. We are trialling battery collection at the Eastbourne Library Foyer. These batteries will be taken to Bunnings when enough have been collected. YES: AA, AAA, 9V, 6V, power tool, button cell and other hand-held sized batteries are ok. SAFETY: Please put tape over all terminals to prevent short circuits – easier and safer for you to do this as you collect them. NO: Sorry, no acid batteries, car batteries, items with batteries built in, or anything bigger than 20cm xRead More →

Bowling Club plans to sell up but stay local: Eastbourne Bowling Club’s plan to relocate – first mooted two and a half years ago – is back on the table, exasperating one of it’s potential neighbours  …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email editor@eastbourneherald.co.nz or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

Further Kayak Safety Workshops Free for the Community in Memory of Jack Skellett A fund to provide the Wellington community free kayak safety lessons to prevent future tragedy. Jack Skellett lost his life after becoming separated from his Kayak in the Wellington harbour on the 21st of December 2021, days after turning 23. After our last donation plea, we raised over $5000 from people who both knew Jack and those who were touched by his loss. That money ensured 2 Kayak safety workshops were successfully delivered to the Wellington community with no charge to the 20 participants of each. All thanks to the hard workRead More →

Wharf to wharf swimming race Eastbourne

Kia Ora “Whatever you choose to do, give it your best. Respect others and success cannot help but follow”. About W2W: The Wharf-to-Wharf swim is an Eastbourne institution that has been running for over 75 years. This fun, non-competitive friendly swim event is run by the Muritai Yacht Club and volunteers for the benefit of the Eastbourne community. The course begins on Days Bay beach and finishes next to the Rona Bay wharf in Eastbourne. Every person is a winner and at a distance of approximately 1.25km it is an event that all age groups can enjoy together. Rules of participation: Entry is open to anyRead More →

Eastbourne Herald Banner

Park upgrade plans move ahead: Detailed plans to upgrade Williams Park are being repared following public submissions on the initial plan, and a change of staff at Hutt City Council …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email editor@eastbourneherald.co.nz or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

Tupua Horo Nuku Eastern Bays Shared Path

Tupua Horo Nuku Construction Update Kia ora koutou, The construction team has been progressing well on Tupua Horo Nuku with large sections of the seawall foundations now in place. In further works next week the team will be upgrading and enhancing areas of the foreshore in front of HW Shortt Park, and establishing a Bird Protection Area to create a nesting habitat for Little Blue Penguins/Kororā, disturbed during the construction in other bays. The Bird Protection Area will include the following: Signage advising the area is a Kororā nesting habitat New penguin nesting boxes will be installed. The timber fence between HW Shortt Park andRead More →

GWRC logo

Greater Wellington Regional Council contracted, professional deer cullers will be hunting in East Harbour Regional, Northern Forest between 1st May and 26th May. Hunters will be only hunting when weather conditions are conducive to hunting. There will be 13 days of actual deer hunting in the period. No hunting will be undertaken on weekends, public holidays or school holidays. Hunting will on occasion be occurring at night. The East Harbour Regional Park website notices will be updated daily as the hunter communicates his plans to Jo at GWRC. Please feel free to text Jo 0274673076 if you are unsure. Ospri Arial possum control – OSPRI undertook an aerial operation to target possums on 15 November 2022 see attached map.  CerealRead More →

Eastbourne Herald Banner

125 Years Celebrated: Murtai School’s kapa haka group took part in the formal welcome to visitors to the school’s 125th celebration … (also) Wave Defence System still a goer, despite failure: The current wave defence system will continue to be used in the Windy point construction of Tupua Horo Nuku …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. EastbourneRead More →

Eastbourne Community Board

As expected, the ECB has had a busy start to the year. I acknowledge the ongoing support and incredible work ethic from Board members Frank Vickers (Deputy Chair), Murray Gibbons, Emily Keddell, Bruce Spedding and Tui Lewis. Point Howard slip: The Point Howard Residents Association, led by Allison Gandy, plays a significant role in liaising with Council and Wellington Water and communicating with residents following the significant slip event on 14 March. This demonstrates the importance of active, well-connected resident associations in the Eastern Bays and is a reminder of how vulnerable many areas of Eastbourne residents can be. The ECB’s Bruce Spedding continues to focusRead More →

(originally published in the Eastbourne Herald February 2023). More information on Eastbourne Civil Defence and Emergency Preparedness. As demonstrated so graphically in the latest weather events, the official emergency and support services may not be able to respond to every issue and will have to prioritise. This is especially true of the Eastern Bays as we are easily isolated and represent a small part of Hutt City. This means communities like ours will have to pitch in and look after each other. The most important thing is to keep up to date and informed. The failure of virtually all forms of communication and power haveRead More →

Eastbourne Sports & Services Club (ESSC) provides services for the Eastbourne rugby, cricket, football and croquet clubs.   Holds regular social gatherings for members and their visitors.  Welcomes new members.  Has in house catering service Thu – Sun.  Also has function rooms for hire to members.  Holds the RSA Ode at 6pm on Friday evenings and ANZAC commemorations on ANZAC Day each year. Use this QR code to donate – just click or point your smart phone camera at the code and tap the link. Eastbourne Memorial RSARead More →

Eastbourne Business Community

The Eastbourne Business Group is an informal network of businesses operating in the Eastern Bays, and can include businesses that service the community or businesses that are situated within the community, including home based and work-from-home. There is an email news list you can subscribe to, and also a Facebook group for more interactive/social networking. Typically news and events from Hutt City Council and Hutt Chamber of Commerce as well as government business events and news will be notified.  Read More →

Hutt City logo

Biodiversity – What matters to you? Hutt City Council is developing an Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy and wants to hear what’s important to you. When the draft strategy is released, there will be further opportunity to have your say.   Keeping nature healthy, greening our cities, supporting local communities and maintaining the enormous diversity of life on our planet is essential for our future. The strategy will be the environmental blueprint for our city when finalised. Together, we can protect and restore our natural taonga for future generations.   The information that you provide is confidential and will not be able to be traced to any individual or household. The platform we use to collect your information is Bang the Table. Your information isRead More →