Executive Summary In 2014 the Eastbourne Community Board conducted a survey of Eastbourne and the Bays to gauge the wellbeing and satisfaction of the residents and to identify issues of importance to the community. The information gathered in the survey could then be used to guide the Board in representations to Hutt City Council and to provide data that could be referred to in the event of any regional amalgamation. The data from the survey could be used by individuals, community groups and businesses to make Eastbourne’s voice heard in a larger government structure. Questions in the survey were designed to find out the priorityRead More →

Eastbourne Community Board meeting at 7.15pm Tuesday 18 June at the East Harbour Womens Club. The agenda and the chairs report are now available for download (PDF)  The chairs report is also included below and has more details about the meeting, including public speaking.. Presentations at the meeting (in addition to usual business) Presentation: Tupua Horo Nuku and bird protection areas update A verbal update by Council’s Project Delivery Manager, Transport Presentation by Local Councillor from Greater Wellington Regional Council A verbal update by Cr Quentin Duthie Chair’s Report June 2024 The Eastbourne Community Board’s next public meeting is at 7.15pm on 18 June. The meeting agenda isRead More →

Proposal to disestablish community boards A Hutt City council independent representation review has recommended that community boards, including the Eastbourne Community Board, be disestablished. The Eastbourne Community Board believes that community boards provide an invaluable service to residents. The report argues that representation is inequitable with only three community boards in Hutt City, in Eastbourne, Petone and Wainuiomata. We believe that introducing a community board to each ward would be a better way to address this inequality. (This would see the Eastbourne and Petone Community Boards combine for Harbour Ward). The report also argues that community boards, established in 1989, are no longer relevant inRead More →

Seagulls looking a billboard which says "Abolish Community Boards, they are too successful" , Bird1: That's not fair. Bird2: You can say that again mate! Bird3: I's just be a lot happier if I thought they knew what they were doing.

Eastbourne Community Board retained! We will update this page with information as it comes to hand – please check in regularly or contact us. Local Government Commission decides to retain Eastbourne Community Board (Eastbourne Herald on Facebook) A ruling by the Local Government Commission (LGC), released today, will see the Eastbourne and Wainuiomata Community Boards retained, but the demise of the Petone Community Board. The boards’ future was in doubt following a recommendation by a panel undertaking a Representation Review that it be axed. The LGC heard from submitters last month, many of whom opposed getting rid of the community boards, which represented three communitiesRead More →

Hutt City Council is seeking community feedback until 5pm, 1 March 2024, on proposed changes to dog access in parts of the Eastern Bays to safeguard seabirds from potential harm. Four new Bird Protection Areas (BPAs) in the Eastern Bays are required under consent conditions for Tupua Horo Nuku (Eastern Bays Shared Path), to protect native seabirds that may be displaced during and following construction of the seawall and shared path. To protect the birds effectively, changes are being proposed within Hutt City Council’s Dog Control Bylaw to restrict dog access in and around these areas. As part of the consent conditions of the project,Read More →

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Full steam ahead as funding secured for entire Tupua Horo Nuku path:  Eighty million dollars has been secured for Tupua Horo Nuku …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email editor@eastbourneherald.co.nz or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

Update from project team Kia ora, The Tupua Horo Nuku project is continuing to progress in Sunshine Bay and Mā-koromiko. We have successfully completed pre-construction tasks in Sunshine Bay which included survey works, ground investigations and ecological sweeps to check for wildlife and minor modifications to the rock revetments. This week we have started on the removal of the old seawall in Sunshine Bay which is significantly thicker than the old seawall in Mā-koromiko. This work will facilitate the installation of the new rising sewer main behind the new seawall. A lane closure will be in place for both Sunshine Bay & Mā-koromiko during workRead More →

Open Day We were thankful the rain held off for the recent open day in Mā-koromiko which gave people the opportunity to see the completed seawall sections in this bay. Following a walkthrough with the Mayor, local councillors and invited media, the community were able to get a close-up look at the pre-cast seawall blocks which our team has been working hard to install. “I’m really excited about the progress we’ve been able to make on this project,” Mayor Campbell Barry said. “Many in the local community have been advocating for this for a very long time and to be down here seeing the seawallRead More →

Work is beginning on the Maire Street and Tuatoru Street car parking areas to incorporate shared path improvements. A Council contractor has asked us to advise residents about work at the Community Centre car park, Corner of Tuatoru Street and Marine Parade. DATES: Between Wednesday 1 March and Wednesday 22 March Working hours: Monday to Friday Normal work hours, 7am to 6pm Note: Road marking will occur during night-time hours on 2 March from 7:00 PM to 5:30 AM. (Weather/site condition dependent). WHAT’S BEING DONE: Bollards removal, new removable bollards and signage installation, existing Line Removal, line marking, relocation of community sign board, wheels stopRead More →