Proposal to disestablish community boards A Hutt City council independent representation review has recommended that community boards, including the Eastbourne Community Board, be disestablished. The Eastbourne Community Board believes that community boards provide an invaluable service to residents. The report argues that representation is inequitable with only three community boards in Hutt City, in Eastbourne, Petone and Wainuiomata. We believe that introducing a community board to each ward would be a better way to address this inequality. (This would see the Eastbourne and Petone Community Boards combine for Harbour Ward). The report also argues that community boards, established in 1989, are no longer relevant inRead More →

Seagulls looking a billboard which says "Abolish Community Boards, they are too successful" , Bird1: That's not fair. Bird2: You can say that again mate! Bird3: I's just be a lot happier if I thought they knew what they were doing.

Eastbourne Community Board retained! We will update this page with information as it comes to hand – please check in regularly or contact us. Local Government Commission decides to retain Eastbourne Community Board (Eastbourne Herald on Facebook) A ruling by the Local Government Commission (LGC), released today, will see the Eastbourne and Wainuiomata Community Boards retained, but the demise of the Petone Community Board. The boards’ future was in doubt following a recommendation by a panel undertaking a Representation Review that it be axed. The LGC heard from submitters last month, many of whom opposed getting rid of the community boards, which represented three communitiesRead More →

More than 60% of car trips taken by New Zealanders are less than 5km, while more than 30% are under 2km*. 5km is the approximate distance from Point Howard to Eastbourne Village ( or Petone supermarkets). It’s not unreasonable to assume that about 50% of car trips in the bays are within the bays. What if there was a smaller shuttle bus that ran back and forth between Seaview Marina and Burdan’s Gate, perhaps every 30 minutes, synchronised with the ferry service where possible? Current technology allows the buses to be tracked, so you could check the arrival/departure time at your stop with your phone;Read More →

East by West logo

We outlined a few trials in a survey that sought to provide more options to help getting to/from Days Bay wharf – , you can see a summary of survey results here. We have now opened applications for spaces in a few trials: Shuttle. Wildfinder are helping us get a shuttle trial off the ground starting next Monday 3 July. The shuttle will meet three sailings in the morning and three in the evening on weekdays, and the trial will run for two months. It will run between Matipo St and Days Bay wharf along Muritai Road, and get to Days Bay wharf five minutes aheadRead More →

Work is beginning on the Maire Street and Tuatoru Street car parking areas to incorporate shared path improvements. A Council contractor has asked us to advise residents about work at the Community Centre car park, Corner of Tuatoru Street and Marine Parade. DATES: Between Wednesday 1 March and Wednesday 22 March Working hours: Monday to Friday Normal work hours, 7am to 6pm Note: Road marking will occur during night-time hours on 2 March from 7:00 PM to 5:30 AM. (Weather/site condition dependent). WHAT’S BEING DONE: Bollards removal, new removable bollards and signage installation, existing Line Removal, line marking, relocation of community sign board, wheels stopRead More →

In 2014 the Eastbourne Community Board conducted a survey of Eastbourne and the Bays to gauge the wellbeing and satisfaction of the residents and to identify issues of importance to the community. The information gathered in the survey could then be used to guide the Board in representations to Hutt City Council and to provide data that could be referred to in the event of any regional amalgamation. The data from the survey could be used by individuals, community groups and businesses to make Eastbourne’s voice heard in a larger government structure. Questions in the survey were designed to find out the priority residents placedRead More →

As part of the SEAVIEW ENERGY RESILIENCE PROJECT the parking area at the Seaview Wharf is being fenced off to house the construction work. The pathway around this is currently being reconstructed to allow pedestrians and cyclists to navigate around the corner and past the construction area safely. A some parking adjacent to the road will be retained but the main parking area will be closed to the public while work takes place.  Read More →

Ōkiwinui Eastbourne is part of the Harbour Ward of Hutt City. For urgent noise, pollution, sewer, water, storm water and animal issues please call us on 570 6666. – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Otherwise, use the online portal to Report a Problem Any issues logged through Report a Problem outside of business hours (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm) will be dealt with on the next business day. Once you’re in the portal, you have to enter the following information: Subject – choose from the menu Additional information – give more details about what’s happening for you Attach a photo – you can choose toRead More →