2007 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2007 to the Lloyd Jones, George Gibbs, Butterfly Creek Players, Geoff Mann and Ann Packer. Lloyd Jones – Mister Pip (Penguin, 2006), Winner Montana Medal for  Fiction or Poetry, and Readers Choice Award, Montana New Zealand Book Awards, 2007 George Gibbs – Ghosts of Gondwana: The History of Life in New Zealand (Craig Potton Publishing, 2006), Winner, Environment Section Montana New Zealand Book Awards, 2007 Butterfly Creek Players – entertaining the community and giving aspiring actors the opportunity to flourish Geoff Mann – many years of service to ECB Anne Packer – STITCH  – CONTEMPORARY NEW ZEALAND TEXTILERead More →

2009 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2009 to Gail McJorrow, Ross Carroll, Barry Wilson and Eastbourne Rights Gail McJorrow – community initiatives.( early childhood, yacht club, Muritai School) Gail’s contribution to the Eastbourne Community has been enormous spanning twenty years. Gail had the foresight to identify the needs of Eastbourne families for a crèche. She was the key driving force in getting the required consents, purchasing the property, and setting up the crèche in 1990, now the Barnado Early Child Care Centre Trust with ongoing benefits for the Eastbourne community. Gail was also the instigator of much of the Muritai school fund-raisingRead More →

Eastbourne Herald Banner

Bird protection under review. Questions raised by neighbours of Bishop Park over the planned penguin protection measures on Rona Bay have prompted a review.   read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email editor@eastbourneherald.co.nz or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

GROUP REPORTS FROM CLIMATE MEETING Find out more about the Climate Response Network We had a really positive inaugural meeting of the Eastern Bays Climate Network. It was great to see so many people engaging with people they had never met and the enthusiasm for positive action. I have attached the full list of ideas so those who were unable to come can see what was canvassed so far. If there is anything on the list you would like to become involved in let me know and maybe other groups will develop. * Meeting Wednesday November 16  St Ronan’s Hall – after that we may not meetRead More →

Lack of consultation over bird protection areas angers. Eastbourne residents were surprised to hear a fence is to be erected at Rona Bay beach to protect penguins relocated there as a result of construction of Tapua Horo Nuku shared path.   read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email editor@eastbourneherald.co.nz or phoneRead More →

Historical Society of Eastbourne Newsletter header

The full August 2022 newsletter (with images) is available as a pdf file download (400K) – below are introductions to the complete articles you can read when you get the full newsletter. A very Wellington story… A while ago we came across a delightful children’s book, The Little Cloud, published in 2017 by Mākaro Press. The story had been written in 1959 by Beverley Burch (later Longmore) and illustrated by local artist Elspeth Nicol. At the time they were both kindergarten teachers, and became lifelong friends… Oral history interviews on Access Radio Many of you have told us how much you enjoyed this series. JohnRead More →

Eastbourne Historical Society

‘Preserving our past, and telling our stories’ Newsletters The Historical Society publishes regular newsletters which can be downloaded as pdf files. July 2023 August 2022 Katherine Mansfield Centennial productions Videos from the Centenary productions, including the full premiere evening and readings from “The Dolls House” and “Prelude“. Contact details Our rooms upstairs are open to the public (upstairs at the library, 38 Rimu Street, Eastbourne.on Monday afternoons, 2-4, or by appointment. President: Dennis Davidson Vice-President (& newsletter editor) Ali Carew, alicarewnz@gmail.com (ph 562-8880)  or drop a note in the HSE mailbox in the Library foyer. Secretary: Julia Stuart Email: eastbournehistorynz@gmail.com Postal address: Historical Society ofRead More →

The recent Climate Change Response meeting featured presentations including one by Belinda Storey talking about the impact on insurance of climate change. This topic is also covered by this item / podcast and worth a listen. Emma Vitz, an actuary who specialises in natural perils and climate-based risk, talks to The Detail about the work she does, and how this crucial, global industry is approaching the known-unknowns of climate change.  Read More →

2021 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2021 to Gail Abel, Judy Lawrence, Joanna and Richard Ponder and David Cheyne Gail Abel – for many decades caring for Eastbourne’s forests and lakes for the many years of energy and love with which she has cared for the environment of Eastbourne and the Bays. Ms Abel was unable to attend the award ceremony due to a prior commitment. Her award will be presented at the meeting of the Board on Tuesday 8 February 2022. Judy Lawrence – for helping community groups in Eastbourne and other communities in New Zealand and the world to betterRead More →

2020 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2020 to Jan Heine, George Tuffin, Don Long and Ali Carew. Jan Heine – many decades of caring for Eastbourne’s beach and bush environment. Jan Heine’s story is intertwined with the stories of many of Eastbourne’s environmental groups. She has been involved in the establishment, governance, running, and day-to-day activity of many of them – and still is. Jan’s concern for Eastbourne and neighbouring environments started before she and her husband Arnold first climbed the 95 steps to their Days Bay home in 1983. In 1972 they were part of the group which established the HuttRead More →

2019 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2019 to Michael Richard Parker & the Menzshed, Gen Packer & Mary Ryan and Maree Jansen & Eddie Jansen Michael Richard Parker & the Menzshed “ Enthusiasm and creativity in building and repairing so many wonderful items for the Eastbourne community” The Chair read the citation of Michael Richard Parker and the Menzshed (the Menzshed) and thanked them for their work in the community. She noted the Menzshed had generously created a variety of items for the Eastbourne community and beyond. She added their work was greatly appreciated by all. Gen Packer & Mary Ryan “Read More →

The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ to Avi Duckor – Jones, Maureen Buckley, Shihan Renshi and Mary McCallum. Sally Bain – in recognition of Eastbourne’s environmental warrior who has made Eastbourne a more beautiful place for all who live here. Mr Gibbons read Ms Bain’s citation and thanked her for her involvement in and promotion of a number of community and environmental projects. Most recently her initiative as part of Educating Residents About Rats had created a very effective urban trap line throughout Eastbourne. Avi Duckor–Jones –  in recognition of his humanitarianism, his contribution to the arts and being New Zealand’s ‘Great Survivor’. Mr Ashe read MrRead More →

2015 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ to Barry Ray,  Toy Library,  EHEA and Phil Benge (information from Eastbourne Herald November 2015) Barry Ray – 25 years of outstanding service to the community as a volunteer with the Eastbourne Volunteer Fire Brigade Barry Ray was awarded an Eastbourne Award for 25 years of dedication to the Eastbourne Fire Service and the Eastbourne community. Barry’s service was recognised at a national level earlier this year when he was awarded a Gold Star for 25 years of service. With the presentation of an Eastbourne Award, “on behalf of the Eastbourne residents, we thank Barry forRead More →

2014 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2014 to the Brian Heath, the Eastbourne Historical Society, Hugh Walcott and Derek Wilshere. Brian Heath in recognition of services to Eastbourne Community and Youth Brian Heath has been actively involved in emergency management in Eastbourne since 1979. From the beginning he was responsible for all radio communications and networks and for many of those years he coordinated civil defence planning for Eastbourne and the Bays. In the heart of Eastbourne, in his kingdom above the library, Brian set up and still runs an emergency civil defence centre complete with food and water supplies, first aid,Read More →

2013 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2013 to the Ray Gough, the Pippa de Court and the Okiwi Volunteers, John Stevenson and David McDougal and the Eastbourne Dunes Protection Group. Ray Gough – For contribution to youth and swimming Ray Gough was born in England and arrived in New Zealand in 1947 as a young boy when his family emigrated from post war London in search of a better future. (Ray’s earliest memory is of Hitler’s V2 rockets landing on London). The family settled in Days Bay where Ray attended Wellesley College and Ray’s love affair with swimming began, in 1954 RayRead More →

2011 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2011 to the Mary Greig Clayton, the Wal Louden , Jill Herman and Ian and Margaret Rankine Ian and Margaret Rankine – in recognition of services to the Red Cross and Civil Defence. The Chair noted that the 10th of April 1968, Wahine Day, was a more significant day in the future life of Eastbourne than many know. That day Constable Gordon Hogg made a prophetic declaration. He asked Mr Ian Rankine to become the Local Civil Defence Warden for York Bay and Mrs Margaret Rankine to start Red Cross First Aid Classes. Mrs Rankine said that ConstableRead More →

2010 The Board was pleased to present the ‘Eastbournes’ 2010 to the Eastbourne Library Team, the Lai Family and Ray Smith. Eastbourne Library Team Mr Rashbrooke commented that he was pleased to present an ‘Eastbourne’ to the local library team on behalf of the Board. He noted that the library had always been at the centre of the community, particularly after the local Council office in Eastbourne was closed following amalgamation. He further noted that a generation of children had attended the library as did those wishing to borrow books, read papers and magazines or meet up and chat to friends. He said that theRead More →

More chaos for Bays as climate change plays out. Eastbourne residents have been given a startling update on how climate change will affect our community.   read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email editor@eastbourneherald.co.nz or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

Community group

The Eastbourne Community Board may award up to six (including one youth award starting 2022) “Eastbournes” each calendar year to individuals or organisations from Eastbourne who have had noteworthy achievements in the current year or have made a significant contribution to Eastbourne over a period of years. The Community Board chooses recipients of the Awards, and there is no formal process of nomination. Awards will be for the current year or a specified period, thus, repeat awards are also possible. The time and place for the presentation of the Awards will generally be late in the year. Awards may not be presented every year, andRead More →

Higher denser housing

About this plan change The Government passed a law in late 2021 requiring councils to change their planning rules to allow housing up to three storeys high and three homes per section in most residential areas, without requiring council planning permission (resource consent). The legislation introduced ‘medium density residential standards’ that the Council must include in the District Plan (the City’s rulebook for subdivision and development). In addition, the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) means Council is also required to allow housing of at least six storeys within walking distance of our train stations, the CBD and the Petone commercial area. More housing (also knownRead More →