Proposal to disestablish community boards A Hutt City council independent representation review has recommended that community boards, including the Eastbourne Community Board, be disestablished. The Eastbourne Community Board believes that community boards provide an invaluable service to residents. The report argues that representation is inequitable with only three community boards in Hutt City, in Eastbourne, Petone and Wainuiomata. We believe that introducing a community board to each ward would be a better way to address this inequality. (This would see the Eastbourne and Petone Community Boards combine for Harbour Ward). The report also argues that community boards, established in 1989, are no longer relevant inRead More →

Seagulls looking a billboard which says "Abolish Community Boards, they are too successful" , Bird1: That's not fair. Bird2: You can say that again mate! Bird3: I's just be a lot happier if I thought they knew what they were doing.

Eastbourne Community Board retained! We will update this page with information as it comes to hand – please check in regularly or contact us. Local Government Commission decides to retain Eastbourne Community Board (Eastbourne Herald on Facebook) A ruling by the Local Government Commission (LGC), released today, will see the Eastbourne and Wainuiomata Community Boards retained, but the demise of the Petone Community Board. The boards’ future was in doubt following a recommendation by a panel undertaking a Representation Review that it be axed. The LGC heard from submitters last month, many of whom opposed getting rid of the community boards, which represented three communitiesRead More →

Eastern Bays Community Resilience Expo - Muritai School, 24 March, 10am to 3pm.

The Eastern Bays Community Resilience Expo was a great success but had a lower  turnout than we hoped for. We hope to change that. If you attended, or even if you didn’t – we would like to hear from you. Please complete the following form as much as you can, we want your opinions and ideas on where to go next and what to next time. Thank you! If you want a reminder, the Expo details are here. If you are interested in details, a report on organising the event is available , and also my analysis of what to do in future (both are sharedRead More →

Historical Society of Eastbourne Newsletter header

A request from the Historical Society of Eastbourne: We’re currently working on a digital photo sequence to be screened at the Eastern Bays Community Resilience Expo on 24th March, depicting extreme weather events, bushfires and other natural disasters that have affected the Eastern Bays in past decades. In our archive collection we have many historical photos of such events, but we’d like to include more recent images as well, covering the last 25 years – especially of storms, flooding and slips, and the damage they’ve caused. So if you have any digital photos that would fit the bill, and wouldn’t mind sharing them, Ali Carew would be very grateful! Please emailRead More →

Information for exhibitors About expo and individual registration – Exhibitor information and registration Sunday 24 March  Enter the school from 7:30am or 8:30am (as notified) from Oroua St gates where you’ll be checked off and then follow the directions of the friendly marshals. You will be given a row number where you will set up your stall. Outside rows will be filled in the order of arrival. Indoor stalls have allocated positions. You will be directed to drop off as close to your stall site as possible, but as space is restricted – be prepared to carry your own materials from the field* to yourRead More →

The event runs from 10am to 3pm on Sunday 24 March. Access to the site for emergency services will be from 7:30am, other groups from 8:30am. All exhibitors must be clear by 4:30pm unless other arrangements have been made. If you are just planning to attend,  public information and registration is here. Confirmed stakeholder exhibitors include WREMO, FENZ, HCC, WFA, WE*, CAB, Neighbourhood Support and more There is no charge to non-profit exhibit0rs. There is also no charge to commercial exhibitors but we ask you offer a suitable spot prize or service to encourage the community to attend. You can  make a donation instead ifRead More →

The event has come and gone! Thanks to all who contributed and/or came along! A report on this will be published in tye future – if you would like toget this update, or indeed any updates about the community/ from the community board – you can subscribe to our newsletters here. Are you ready? Do you have a plan? What will you do in an emergency? Will you be safe? Who will you contact and how? This expo is intended to activate and support our community to become safer and more resilient as an individual,  family / whanau and community / kāinga. It’s FREE! ItRead More →

The website attempts to provide timely information on community services in one place. To do this it uses a number of methods which can explain the format in each case. Metlink (bus) information – this information is available in computer compatible format (API) from Metlink, so it’s possible to access specific bus cancellations as well as bus arrival times at each stop, in “real time”. Although it’s part of the Metlink network the East by West Ferry information is not available through this channel. East by West Ferry – the website subscribes to email alerts for the ferry service, so notifications can be delayed,Read More →

Eastern Bays Climate Response Network

Submission on Adaption to Climate Change A  small local group of people who have an interest in adaptation to climate change has been preparing a submission to the Parliamentary Committee for the Environment, which is conducting an inquiry into the issue of community-led retreat and options for it. The latest Eastern Bays Climate Change Network news email has more detail and a link to the draft submission.Read More →

Eastbourne Community Board

As expected, the ECB has had a busy start to the year. I acknowledge the ongoing support and incredible work ethic from Board members Frank Vickers (Deputy Chair), Murray Gibbons, Emily Keddell, Bruce Spedding and Tui Lewis. Point Howard slip: The Point Howard Residents Association, led by Allison Gandy, plays a significant role in liaising with Council and Wellington Water and communicating with residents following the significant slip event on 14 March. This demonstrates the importance of active, well-connected resident associations in the Eastern Bays and is a reminder of how vulnerable many areas of Eastbourne residents can be. The ECB’s Bruce Spedding continues to focusRead More →

(originally published in the Eastbourne Herald February 2023). More information on Eastbourne Civil Defence and Emergency Preparedness. As demonstrated so graphically in the latest weather events, the official emergency and support services may not be able to respond to every issue and will have to prioritise. This is especially true of the Eastern Bays as we are easily isolated and represent a small part of Hutt City. This means communities like ours will have to pitch in and look after each other. The most important thing is to keep up to date and informed. The failure of virtually all forms of communication and power haveRead More →

Eastern Bays Climate Response Network

Report from Eastbourne and Bays Climate Response Meeting 16/11/22 The climate network is off to a great start. We now have 63 members, a wealth of information and projects set up to carry on into the new year. At the first meeting only a month ago a number of people volunteered to gather information or form a group to work on a particular issue. Here’s what happened!!! (this report is also available for download) Eastbourne Community Board – the creation of this network was facilitated by the EastbourneCommunity Board which will host the website, manage the contact list and pay some costs such as theRead More →

GROUP REPORTS FROM CLIMATE MEETING Find out more about the Climate Response Network We had a really positive inaugural meeting of the Eastern Bays Climate Network. It was great to see so many people engaging with people they had never met and the enthusiasm for positive action. I have attached the full list of ideas so those who were unable to come can see what was canvassed so far. If there is anything on the list you would like to become involved in let me know and maybe other groups will develop. * Meeting Wednesday November 16  St Ronan’s Hall – after that we may not meetRead More →

4 phases of climate change response - Avoid Protect Accommodate Retreat

At the recent Eastern Bays Climate Change Response meeting Belinda Storey of Climate Sigma spoke about the impacts of climate change on insurance, and what insurance providers response tell us about what to expect. This article in Stuff  – Homes to start losing access to insurance within 15 years – report,  is just one of many that are now appearing in the media, telling us about what to expect in the future. Radio NZ also features a warning – Building in flood-prone locations needs to stop, insurer IAG says If you want to stay informed on this issue with respect to the Eastern bays youRead More →

Sea breaking over road with logo

On Wednesday 3rd August 2022 we hosted an information meeting to get a community perspective on how climate change and specifically sea level rise will impact the Eastern Bays, and start the discussion on how to respond. With an attandance of over 100 locals, councillors and officers the evening featured a range of information, some global but mostly looking at the local impacts. It included insights into how risks are viewed and may be managed, how we must respond to what is inevitable as well as act to restrict the extremity of what could happen. We had 4 presentations from experts covering various aspects ofRead More →

An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It’s a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm. Green AEDs are available 7×24 in external boxes, Red AEDs are inside buildings and may not be accessible at all times. This information may not be up to date, go to for latest locations.  1  Eastbourne Library – 38 Rimu Street  2 Muritai Health Centre – 149 Muritai Road  3 Eastbourne Fire Station – 2 Makaro Street  4 EastbourneRead More →