The event has come and gone! Thanks to all who contributed and/or came along! A report on this will be published in tye future – if you would like toget this update, or indeed any updates about the community/ from the community board – you can subscribe to our newsletters here. Are you ready? Do you have a plan? What will you do in an emergency? Will you be safe? Who will you contact and how? This expo is intended to activate and support our community to become safer and more resilient as an individual,  family / whanau and community / kāinga. It’s FREE! ItRead More →

Howard Road watermain renewal works UPDATE: Thursday 11 January 2024 Happy New Year everyone. We wanted to confirm that Wellington Water with our partner Action Civil Ltd will start works renewing the water pipeline from the beginning of next week. For the first day of work, Monday 15 January, there will be no road closure as the crew will be establishing the plant and equipment on site, locating services and setting up traffic management. From Tuesday 16 January, the road will be closed to vehicles at 7:30am and reopened at 4:30pm every working day. Pedestrian access will remain open throughout. No work will be doneRead More →

The website attempts to provide timely information on community services in one place. To do this it uses a number of methods which can explain the format in each case. Metlink (bus) information – this information is available in computer compatible format (API) from Metlink, so it’s possible to access specific bus cancellations as well as bus arrival times at each stop, in “real time”. Although it’s part of the Metlink network the East by West Ferry information is not available through this channel. East by West Ferry – the website subscribes to email alerts for the ferry service, so notifications can be delayed,Read More →

Lions Bin

Since introduction the battery and Tetra-Pak recycling at the Eastbourne library we have recycled over 50 kg of batteries through Bunnings and more recently dropped off over 280 Tetra Paks at Earthlink in Taita. Combining this with soft-plastics recycling at the Four Square supermarket and the Lions monthly waste bin (there’s a charge, and they recycle metals and electronics) we are doing well. Recycling (and rubbish) options are listed on this page.Read More →

Historical Society of Eastbourne Newsletter header

The world premiere of an audio-visual production featuring Katherine Mansfield’s story “At the Bay” was screened on 2 July at Wellesley College, Days Bay, as part of a commemoration of the death a century ago of one of our best-known writers. Videos of the full production, preludes, plus readings from “The Doll’s House” and “Prelude” are available online.Read More →

Eastbourne Herald Banner

Full steam ahead as funding secured for entire Tupua Horo Nuku path:  Eighty million dollars has been secured for Tupua Horo Nuku …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

The Eastbourne Community Board may award up to six (including one youth award starting 2022) “Eastbournes” each calendar year to individuals or organisations from Eastbourne who have had noteworthy achievements in the current year or have made a significant contribution to Eastbourne over a period of years. Ginny Horrocks – For her many years of service to Eastbourne on the Community Board and as a life long campaigner on environmental and community issues. Allison Gandy – For her tireless service to Point Howard residents, including leadership of the Point Howard Residents’ Association. Daisy  Yan –  For services to Eastbourne Community as Pharmacist Sue Fieldes – TheRead More → is a website for the Eastern Bays community, residents and visitors. Eastbourne and the bays are a community and village on the eastern side of Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. The website is managed by the Eastbourne Community Board (ECB) which has the responsibility of representing and communicating with the community. It also has a small Community Fund to distribute, and awards the Eastbournes each year to recognise those members of the community that are making valuable contributions. This website is part of a wider communications portfolio which includes: An electronic notice board inside and outside the Eastbourne Library / Community Hub, Email newsletters forRead More →

Eastern Bays Climate Response Network

Tetra Pak recycling trial – a bin is now available in the Eastbourne Library foyer (next to batteries) for Tetra Pak recycling. Please note that this trial can only continue while paks are properly opened, flattened, cleaned and dried (see below – if you’ve done this before you’ll know that rinsing is not enough). Any pak can be deposited, and you can leave the lid on. These paks will be periodically delivered to the Upper Hutt Recycling Station and will end up in products like saveBoard ( More →

Eastern Bays Climate Response Network

Submission on Adaption to Climate Change A  small local group of people who have an interest in adaptation to climate change has been preparing a submission to the Parliamentary Committee for the Environment, which is conducting an inquiry into the issue of community-led retreat and options for it. The latest Eastern Bays Climate Change Network news email has more detail and a link to the draft submission.Read More →

Eastbourne Herald Banner

MP awaits final decision on List or Electorate role:  Chris Bishop is waiting for the final vote count on November 3 to confirm his return as Hutt South MP …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

Eastbourne Herald Banner

Low numbers at election meeting in new venue:  A substitute candidate, two walkouts and extreme views marked last week’s Hutt South candidates’ meeting at the Petone Baptist Church …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

The Kenny cup: A note or two about the Kenny cup. Officially called the East Harbour Surf Life Saving Club Kenny Cup. Since 1954 the cup has been given to the fastest local home. The first name to go on the cup was B. Baird. Ray Gough’s name has appeared a record, 16 times! Finola Rance was the first female to have her name inscribed onto the Kenny Cup. In recent history Casey Glover’s time of 14.27 is the fastest time yet. Results: Results from the 2nd March 2025 event: Overall Results Results by Category Results from 3rd March 2024 event: Overall Results Results byRead More →

Fire Brigade’s “first family’s” tireless work for EB: The Eastbourne Fire Brigade, probably like most volunteer brigades, is a real family affair  …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email or phone (04) 562 750Read More →

St Alban’s looks to return home after 7 years in exile: Eastbourne’s oldest church building, St. Alban’s, has been used for nearly 7 years since it was assessed as not meeting the required earthquake building standard back in 2016  …    read online >> The Eastbourne Herald is our monthly news source, with community news, issues, profiles, events, information, services, real estate and more. A copy of the Herald is an essential accessory for contact details, local trades services, timetables and more. The Herald is delivered or you can pick up a copy at the Eastbourne Library. Eastbourne Herald Online edition Eastbourne Herald on Facebook , email or phoneRead More →

Update from project team Kia ora, The Tupua Horo Nuku project is continuing to progress in Sunshine Bay and Mā-koromiko. We have successfully completed pre-construction tasks in Sunshine Bay which included survey works, ground investigations and ecological sweeps to check for wildlife and minor modifications to the rock revetments. This week we have started on the removal of the old seawall in Sunshine Bay which is significantly thicker than the old seawall in Mā-koromiko. This work will facilitate the installation of the new rising sewer main behind the new seawall. A lane closure will be in place for both Sunshine Bay & Mā-koromiko during workRead More →

Open Day We were thankful the rain held off for the recent open day in Mā-koromiko which gave people the opportunity to see the completed seawall sections in this bay. Following a walkthrough with the Mayor, local councillors and invited media, the community were able to get a close-up look at the pre-cast seawall blocks which our team has been working hard to install. “I’m really excited about the progress we’ve been able to make on this project,” Mayor Campbell Barry said. “Many in the local community have been advocating for this for a very long time and to be down here seeing the seawallRead More →